Blue Biotechnology

Blue Biotechnology is a term that has been used to describe the marine and aquatic applications of biotechnology. Marine biotechnology is the investigation of how the different living beings and activities of the sea can be utilized to give administrations and items to us. Researchers in this field of Marine Biotechnology are concentrating on the different chemicals and proteins of marine life with expectations of taking care of numerous issues that torment the range of Agriculture and Industry. 

Blue Biotechnology
Blue/Marine biotechnology is the process that involves the marine resources of the world that are studied in biotechnology applications. Its applications are utilized in numerous tasks, such as deriving new cancer treatments from marine organisms to localized seaweed farming. As new pharmaceutical companies focus on developing new drugs from marine resources, professionals are needed that are trained in the disciplines of marine biology, microbiology, chemistry, genomics, bioinformatics, and related fields.  Read More>>>>>>>>
