Butrnti is placed in the most southern part of the Ionian
zone and has a geological situation very complicated due to result of
development of the evaporitic diapirs and thrust tectonics. From the south
(Butrnti) to the north (Vlora City) the number of the lines of the Cika
anticlinal belt is decreased. Generally the structures are From the
South to the North, the number of structural lines of the Cika belt is
decreased.The diapirism tectonics are very intensive, especially in
the southeastern part, where it presents the principal character of thegeological feature with the evaporite diapirs: Xara in Butrinti region, Filati
and Corfu in Greece.This anticlinal belt, generally, has a strike NW
with azimuth 330°. In the Butrnti region are developed two Lakes: Butrnti and Bufi Lakes.
Butrinti Lake has a surface about 20 km2. The long is 7 km
and the width about 3 km. The maximal profundity is 21 m. The water of the
Butrnti Lake is salted. This Lake communicates with the Ionian Sea through the
Vivary channel (Figure 2). In the east of Butrnti lake is the Bufi Lake, whichhas the sulfide water. This water has the spring from the contact between the
evaporite and carbonate. Formations in the border of Xara diapir (Figure 2).
Both these lakes have communication between them. The Bufi Lake is have the
level about 5-6 m high from the Butrnti.
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