Pesticides are widely
used in agriculture for regulating variety of pests that spoil the crops. They
provide absolute benefit for agricultural production. However, low amounts of
some residues remain in the food supply, air, water and soil.This could
establisha significant exposure pathway for humans. OP pesticides are widely
used around the world for controlling pest, animals and plants and they are not
without many side effects.
recent years, Pesticides are widely used in agriculture to control a variety of
pernicious organisms that spoil the crops. More than 600 kinds of agrochemicals
are used around the world. They provide unquestionable benefit for agriculturalproduction, even though, as a consequence, low amounts of some residues may
persist in the food supply, air, water and soil and could constitute a
significant exposure pathway for humans. For example, dicofol (DCF) is used
worldwide as a pre-harvest miticide on cotton, citrus, vegetable, nuts, date
palm and other crops.
agricultural industry has been using chemical pesticides since the early
1900’s. German chemists developed a new class of pesticides, OP compounds,
during the Second World War, some of which also proved to be chemical warfare
agents. OP pest icides are a group of highly toxic agricultural chemicals
extensively used in plant protection. OP pesticides such as parathion, and
methamidophos, are widely used around the world despite their high toxicity. OP
pesticides are of particular interest since they represent the major proportion
of agricultural pesticides utilized today. Read more.........
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