Oil Sorption by Heat-Treated Rice Husks

Water preservation implies recovering oils and hydrocarbon oils from water, among other pollutants. When an oil spill occurs on water, it is critical to contain the spill as quickly as possible in order to minimize danger and potential damage to persons, property, and natural resources. Containment equipment isused to restrict the spread of oil and to allow for its recovery, removal, ordispersal. The use of floating barriers is the most commonly used technique to control the spread of oil, whereas sorbents are most often used to remove final traces of oil, or in areas that cannot be reached by skimmers.A number of vegetable by-products from sunflower, rice and maize, as well as the wastes obtained from the processing of grass, leaves, straw and others are utilized as adsorbents. They are insoluble in water, have a good chemical stability and high mechanical strength, have a granular structure, making them a good adsorbent material. Using raw agricultural wastes in such a way is one of the primary research directions in the field of the environmental protection.

Oil Sorption
Moreover, agricultural by-products have provided to be promising raw materials for the production of carbon content adsorbents. Pyrolysis is a thermo-chemical process which has been widely applied to processing of biomass, gain due to its energy content. Thermal treatment removes the moisture and the volatile matter contents of biomass material. The remarkable differences are mainly in structure, morphology and chemical activity of the final product. The changes in the properties usually lead to high reactivity, and hence, a usage of carbon content material as adsorbent. Read more..........
