the recycled plastic wastage strengthen the concrete mixture used for building construction?
A study was conducted to find the validity of it from 126 samples prepared for
this purpose. The study tried to investigate the compressive, splitting tensile
and flexural strength of the concrete for a period of 7-28 days using 1%, 3%and 5% of fine, aggregated plastic recycled waste.
The study noticed that, the
compressive, tensile and flexural strength of concrete is deteriorating by
mixing 5% of plastic granules to the sand mix by the ratios of 12.81, 10.71,
and increase by 4.1% respectively at 7 daysafter the formation. The study also
noticed decrease of strength ratios by 7.93, 28.6, and 23.6% at 28 days after
the concrete was prepared. Read more.........................
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