Recent studies measuring the rip
currents in South Florida revealed that offshore-flowing currents are fairly
weak when compared to moderate-sized waves during fair-weather conditions, but
are still in a major water hazard. Certain on-going tragedies were newly
highlighted by the mention of loss of two protuberant rabbis that point to the
misconceptions and lack of understanding of near shore currents.
This incident was a worldwide newsmaker--articles
appeared in newspapers as far away as Australia (Dr. Robert Brander, personalcommunication, 2016). The front-page headline in the Miami Herald was titled
“Two Rabbis Drown in Strong Rip Current.” However, this is a misconception
because the rip currents on this day were not strong albeit dangerous. The
waves were not high-only 0.6-0.9 meters, which is certainly not enough to
produce a powerful rip current. Strong rips are generally produced during
stormy conditions, and most beachgoers do not enter the water during big wave
days (e.g., exceeding 1.5 meters in height). Therefore, life-threatening rips
can occur on sunny, fair-weather days with seemingly safe waves. Read more...............
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