is a major global energy source and its exploration and production is extremely
important. While oil production is desirable, it results in some unfavorable
effects to the environment. In underground structure, rocks that occur normally
are accompanied with fluids (water, hydrocarbon, or a combination of the two).
The less dense hydrocarbons drift to trap sites, shifting some of the formationwater in hydrocarbon reservoirs. This informs why hydrocarbon reservoirs
contain water as well.
This water might have arrived from the flow from within
the hydrocarbon zone, flow from below or above the hydrocarbon zone, or flow
from injected solutions and chemicals for the purpose of managing the reservoir
by the producers. The oil reservoir is the main source of this produced water,
which may as well include sea water that has been injected to sustain the
reservoir pressure. The large quantities of formation and injected water, which
is eventually produced along with the oil and gas, is one of the most crucial sources
of unfavorable effects to the environment. Handling of produced water is
therefore critical in Petroleum exploration and production operations because
of its significant contribution to capital cost of operating oil or gas
reservoir. Read more.......................
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