Environmental Biotechnology Research: Why it Matters now More Than Ever?

Ours is a world of looming challenges and increasingly limited resources. Sustainable development offers the best chance to adjust our course – is aptly said by Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations. It is the responsibility of every individual and community on this earth to work towards environment protection and preservation. In this era of rapid globalization we tend to forget at times that often the short-sighted and hasty steps with regard to industrial development trigger harm towards the already dwindling natural resources.   

Environmental Biotechnology
Contamination of drinking water by industrial effluents, soil contamination by industrial toxic waste, pesticides and heavy metals, oil spills, coral bleaching, carbon and methane emissions, carbon footprint, wildlife extinction, global warming and gradual rise in sea-level are just few examples of the pressing environmental issues that require our immediate action. Earth is nearing an environmental tipping point. All the catastrophic damages we are causing are somewhat irreversible and reshaping our environment in a drastic way for generations to come. The availability of clean drinking water is decreasing rapidly as a result of irresponsible human activities. Read more>>>>>>>>>>
