Environmental Impact Assessment of Petrochemical Industry using Fuzzy Rapid Impact Assessment Matrix

Economic and industrial activities, coupled with rapid population growth, as well as the lack of interest in the efficient use of natural resources have led to disrupt the ecological balance. Inappropriate land use change, pollution, the destruction of natural resources is considered as some serious problems of environmental imbalances around the world. These problems indicate the fact that the world’s natural environment has limited ecological power for human use in some areas, nature with minimal loss provides the highest development, and in others, minimum development and manipulate in it leads to the irreversible effects. 
Petrochemical Industry
Therefore, in order to reduce these impacts, and achieve appropriate land development, especially regional development, there is need to taking advantage of the features and functionality of each part of the country for planning. Whatever this plan is based on objective facts and the natural potential, achieving to pre-determined targets will be more feasible. Moreover, if the planning of economic development is done without attention to social, cultural and natural issues, not only will not solve the critical problems, but also makes them worse. Read more....................
