Electro-Coagulation Treatment and De-oiling of Wastewaters Arising from Petroleum Industries

Petroleum region of Haoud Berkaoui (HBK) is one of the first areas to provide great efforts in the field of environmental protection; this region has a resort of de-oiling, a recovery unit flaring gas, a potable water station and will soon have a wastewater treatment plant. Generally, wastewaters discharged by petroleum industries may contain hydrocarbons and suspended solids. 

Petroleum Industries

The charge of wastewaters derived from petroleum industry exists in various forms: solutions, colloids and particles. It is important to treat this wastewater at low cost by electrocoagulation compared with traditional chemical treatments as conventional coagulation-flocculation process instead of reusing or re-injecting it directly into oil wells. The treatment by electro-coagulation was applied. This treatment provides two separate phases by settling or flotation. Read more>>>>>>>>>>
