Calculation improvement of the clay content in the hydrocarbon formation rocks

As indicators of the clay content and shale in the formation rocks, unsealed by a well, many types of logging can be used, in particular the spontaneous potential (SP), density, neutron, and gamma raylogging. Gamma ray tools record naturally occurring gamma rays in the formations adjacent to the wellbore. This nuclear measurement indicates the radioactive content of the formation rocks.
hydrocarbon formation rocks
Hydrocarbon formation rocks
Effective in any environment, gamma ray tools are the standard devices that used for the correlation of logs in cased and open holes. One of the most effective gamma ray log tools, based on the measurements of the natural radioactivity of the formation rocks, was proposed in 1980. Its readings are analysed from the point of view of determining the nature and quantity of radioactive elements. The tool can be considered as an improved indicator of clay content of the formation rocks. This logging device detects the presence of Uranium U, Thorium Th and Potassium K in rocks, and subjected to determine the volumes of these radioactive minerals. Read more>>>>>>>
