Multi Dimension Scale Analysis Approach to Evaluate Sustainability in the Management of Ambon City Coastal Area

Integrated and sustainable management of coastal resource is an iterative and evolutionary process to realize an optimal and sustainable development of a coastal area. The goal of Integrated Coastal Zone Management is not only to pursue short term economic growth but also to ensure that the economic growth can be enjoyed equally and proportionately by all stakeholders involved. 

Ambon City Coastal Area
Ambon City Coastal Area
It also preserves the carrying capacity and the quality of coastal environment which leads to a lasting development . There are four aspects related to integration in planning and management of coastal zone, they are: (a) Ecological area integration, (b) Sectoral integration, (c) Knowledge discipline integration, and (d) Stakeholder integration. Ambon is one of 26 coastal cities in Indonesia.  Read more>>>>>>>>>>>>
