Insights on the Global Climatic Changes and their Discernible Impacts

Global climate change is a human-induced alteration of biogeochemical cycles, and thus, the atmospheric chemistry, with its subsequent domino effects on the regimes of the climatic factors. The current volume no 7 and issue 7 published 4 research articles strictly in line with the scope of the journal. Nikolopouloset al. derived critical information from significant earthquakes data spanning 2009-2015 with few noteworthy seismic events at shallow depths. 

Global Climatic Changes
Global Climatic Changes
Their findings state that the analyses of the rescaled range (R/S) and the wavelet-based spectral fractal should be employed in sequence to enhance the precursory value of results. Moja et al. characterized the mineral composition and levels of the surface trapped in the dust samples collected from the human settlements located close to asbestos mines of Mpumalanga Province of Ethiopia. Read More>>>>>
