Sequence Development and Palaeogeography Evolution of Ewan and Oloye Fields (Middle Miocene), Northwestern Niger Delta

The depositional setting of the study area  has been interpreted to range from continental to offshore environments within a shelf edge depositional setting. 

Important depositional facies interpreted include undifferentiated continental deposits, fluvial/tidal channel sandstones, mouth bars and upper shoreface sandstones, lower shoreface heterolithics, and offshore mudstones (with discrete slope channel and basinal sand).Seismic stratigraphic analysis of this study area consists of six depositional sequences figures with base map of seismic survey showing position of seismic cross sections and wells. Sequences are made up aggradational to progradational HST that makes up about 50% of a sequence. TST are thin and widespread whereas LST are restricted to within WNW-ESE trending valley fills typically 4 km wide and an average 120 m deep. Read more>>>>>>>
